The journey of introspection turns into our greatest gift and most profound adventure. To do this inner work, there is no shortcut, but it is so worth it. Deep empathy for the parts of us that feel stuck or lost is necessary for finding peace and success on many levels. This is the starting point from which true transformation gains exponential power. The exciting part is getting to a place where you truly feel alive and fully live out your purpose.

The Self Discovery is our flagship program and consists of an in-depth online curriculum and weekly live one-on-one calls with Dr. Arturo. The objective of this program is to give you all the tools, transformation, and assistance you need to help you shift the old personality into your new identity 2.0 you.




The Eat Well is based on a set of principles created to show you how to use nutrition in a way that best serves the goal of eating food, which is to provide the body with energy (also known as food) for the upkeep of life, growth, and the operation of organs and tissues.

Low energy reserves are huge stress to the body, forcing it to compensate when it can’t produce energy by releasing too much stress hormone (i.e., inflammation). Stress hormones inhibit thyroid function and gradually reduce the nervous system’s resilience.

The Eat Well teaches you a specific nutritional approach to break the stress physiology’s vicious cycle and lay the groundwork for healing.




The journey of introspection turns into our greatest gift and most profound adventure. To do this inner work, there is no shortcut, but it is so worth it. Deep empathy for the parts of us that feel stuck or lost is necessary for finding peace and success on many levels. This is the starting point from which true transformation gains exponential power. The exciting part is getting to a place where you truly feel alive and fully live out your purpose.

The Self Discovery is our flagship program and consists of an in-depth online curriculum and weekly live one-on-one calls with Dr. Arturo. The objective of this program is to give you all the tools, transformation, and assistance you need to help you shift the old personality into your new identity 2.0 you.


Welcome to the Jump-Start Plan: Empowering Your Body’s Natural Healing Through Neurological Treatments, which includes 3 in person sessions!

Our approach at Dr. Arturo Mesquite’s hallmark is centered on the belief that your body communicates with you through signals, serving as a vital avenue for understanding what is transpiring within. Think of discomfort as a message from your brain, providing insight into your body’s current state. Take a headache, for instance – rather than simply addressing the pain, we emphasize identifying the root cause, heeding your body’s warnings, and seeking effective solutions.

Our primary focus is your remarkable nervous system, which orchestrates movements and functions within your body at an ultrafast pace. The key to optimal health and survival lies in maintaining a healthy nervous system. However, challenges and compromises can disrupt this delicate balance, leading to various issues and discomfort.

We recognize the importance of leveraging your brain’s natural feedback system to swiftly and effectively address these underlying concerns in real time. Mesquite’s hands-on neurological treatments are designed to facilitate rapid changes within the body, allowing you to regain control and harmony in your system.

Dr. Mesquite travels around the world to share his expertise and offer personalized solutions that align with your unique needs.

Discover how to decode the language of your body, uncover the source of discomfort, and proactively enhance your well-being. Your body’s signals are the keys to unlocking your full potential for a healthy and vibrant life.

Join us on this transformative journey as we embrace the innate wisdom of your body and work together to jump-start your path towards optimal health and vitality.




“Our most profound adventure and greatest gift come from the journey of looking within. This inner work cannot be rushed, but it is so worthwhile. Deep compassion for the parts of ourselves that feel lost or stuck is necessary on the road to peace and success on many levels. Real transformation is built on this foundation, which gives it exponential power. Coming to a place where you truly feel alive and are fully living out your purpose is the exciting part.

Splurging on Mesquite’s plan is a life-changing investment that can truly help you find your inner power and start a brand new chapter in your life.









The foundation of hands-on neurological treatments is that your brain uses electrical and nerve signals to regulate optimal function. The goal of the therapy is to determine if any of these signals have lessened due to an overload in your life. This enables the brain to reestablish signaling and communication. When this occurs, your body’s neurology (brain) can start restoring optimal function and self-healing.


Diets like intermittent fasting and keto may cause you to lose weight, but only because you put your body through unnecessary stress, which causes your digestive, thyroid, and metabolic systems to slow down to conserve energy (because your body believes it is starving).

As a result of your damaged metabolism, there is a higher likelihood that you will put the weight back on and struggle to maintain your weight loss.


I have spent countless hours studying, perfecting, and using personal growth and self-confidence techniques. I teach these techniques to people from all different backgrounds, in addition to using them in my own life to help me succeed in almost everything I do and reach my goals.

People seek my assistance for various reasons, from wanting a lifestyle change and prevention to giving up smoking. I educate people on how to inspire themselves, boost their confidence, and push themselves past their comfort zones to accomplish more than they previously believed was possible.

The easiest way to understand my method is knowing that everything around us is made of energy, an invisible field of energy, which contains all possible realities, your thoughts and feelings can direct that energy available to us that directs your reality to protect or grow.

Imagine changing your unhappy, negative, depressed self into a more self-empowered, carefree and peaceful self in minutes. Imagine experiencing being able to think positively and enjoying a happier life. That’s the purpose of this program, it pinpoints the ways in which you are losing daily vital energy.

The Self Discovery approach is not psychological analysis. Letting go isn’t just a mental process. You have stored your past throughout your body – your cells, tissues and organs. You have metabolized your history. You’ll learn to release emotional blocks and redirect your energy into a harmonious flow.



I aim to help you on your highly individualized healing journey by instructing, directing, and encouraging you. This entails adapting to your needs and re-establishing your mental, physical, and spiritual harmony through various practices, such as healthy eating, dietary supplements, personal growth, and daily routines. My goal is to help you become a thriving, symbiotic health and wellness system so you can finally heal and stop running on a hamster wheel.

Given all the conflicting information and fad diets, people frequently overcomplicate what being happy and healthy entails. I help you by demystifying the true meaning of what being healthy means and reducing it to its most basic, understandable components. whether or not


We begin the fine-tuning by re-connecting your brain to the entire body’s system, uncovering the root cause of long term pain, autoimmune disorders, I.B.S, under or overweight and much more with the in person resets.

“Core Natural Health  includes revolutionary hands-on treatments to re-connect the signals between brain & body link for a faster recovery.”

The easiest way for me to explain is for you to imagine your brain is like a super computer and the hard drive runs the entire function of the body. Once something disconnects, the body starts to break-down.

Over time these signals become overloaded, and in some cases become completely distracted. As this happens the brain no longer has full communication with the area of function represented by that signal.

By holding a specific anatomical contact point on the body via muscle testing, I can identify any ‘disengaged’ signals. Once identified, I re-set the circuitry in order for all the body systems to return to optimum potential.

When the physiological and neurological systems are operating to their maximum capability your body knows what do best. It auto corrects and repairs itself working at optimum levels and this is when you feel your best

“The Eat Well goes beyond mainstream nutrition, so called healthy or popular diet plans” and focuses more on supporting your metabolism and thyroid, some cases fixing hypothyroid issues so your metabolism will work flawlessly.”

Hypothyroidism ( low metabolism) exists when the thyroid gland isn’t functioning at it’s best. Hypothyroidism impacts every aspect of your life from enjoying time with family and friends to functioning at work. Hypothyroidism is pervasive and preventable as well as correctable. Today, Hypothyroidism is an epidemic health problem and unfortunately, doctors are using very old and outdated information to both diagnose and treat it. To ensure that you do not overwhelm yourself, follow the program at your own speed. You may need to take more time and that is OK as long as you continue to move forward.

Let me put it this way, your thyroid is to your body what the conductor is to a symphony. Instead of using trumpets, violins and drums, your thyroid uses key organs, enzymes and cell receptors for the precise orchestration necessary for health. When the conductor is off rhythm, the entire orchestra as well as the symphony suffers. When any of the many ‘instruments’ used by your thyroid aren’t working properly, you suffer.

Your thyroid is to your body what the conductor is to a symphony. Instead of using trumpets, violins and drums, your thyroid uses key organs, enzymes and cell receptors for the precise orchestration necessary for health. When the conductor is off rhythm, the entire orchestra as well as the symphony suffers. When any of the many ‘instruments’ used by your thyroid aren’t working properly, you suffer. It’s both that simple and that complicated.

Yes, to compensate for low metabolism produced by stress, adaptive stress hormones are released to meet our energy requirements. So far so good except that those hormones will eventually harm you by creating a vicious cycle or energy production, energy inhibition and inflammation. I will work closely with you to offer effective strategies that help you heal chronic health conditions and hormonal imbalances.

You will change and correct the underlying physiological causes that both the conventional and alternative health communities continue to ignore. You will create an atmosphere in which your thyroid can conduct all of your body’s instruments to produce optimal health — the sweetest sound of all. It will prepare you to take charge of your health for optimal wellness, starting with deeper levels of nutrition, thyroid repair, overall hormonal balance and inflammation reduction.

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